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The Raising of Lazarus

The Lazarus Effect

#TECHNOLOGY — The Lazarus-Effect

You might not need to throw away your broken glasses and get new ones anymore, thanks to these unique materials that can heal themselves! A video by SciShow on Freedom Today.


How WiFi really works and how you can get the most out of it. Jim Salter explains wireless networking for


Supersonic commercial flying is back on the schedule with new planes being developed as you read this. Samuel Hammond goes full throttle for

#CULTURE — The smartphone phenomenon

An in depth look at the social change brought upon us by smartphones. Adam Greenfield swiped right for

#BUSINESS — Not slacking around

Amazon apparently considers paying a tremendous price for Slack (which we use at FTN). Frederic Filloux is exploring the sense of such an acquisition at Monday Note.

#BUSINESS — Easily spoiled

Why would Amazon want to buy Whole Foods? It fits their plan to take a cut of more economic transactions than ever. Ben Thompson explains Amazon's other big acquisition plan at

#AI — AI riding shotgun

Tesla's machine learning system is receiving huge amounts of data from actual driving cars to improve its collective driving skills. Tom Ward followed the signs for

#CULTURE — Recommended reading

«Standard Ebooks is a volunteer driven, not-for-profit project that produces lovingly formatted, open source, and free public domain ebooks.» Exactly what it says on the package.

#DESIGN — Go, clean up your website!

There is a trend to put unnecessary crap on website. John Gruber pleads for a cleaner web at


Personal air transportation has been a pipe dream for decades.But a new concept appears more realistic than anything before. Jack Stewart takes off for Wired.

#AI — Artificial morality

AI researcher Andrew Blake discusses the challenges ahead in creating and using artificial intelligence. Natasha Lomas reports for Techcrunch.

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