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Petro Poroshenko

Ukraine: The time after Petro Poroshenko

Ukrainian revolution of Dignity happened 5 years ago when I was finishing high school. It`s hard to imagine how it was for me, 17 years old student, to face such a traumatic experience. In the time when students usually need to prepare to exams that will define their future, I was watching live translations from Kyiv or participated in local protests in my city.

Three scenarios for President Zelenskyi

According to the national exit poll showman Volodymyr Zelenskyi won the second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine. According to the exit poll data collected by the time when the polling stations closed, 73 per cent of voters cast their votes for Zelenskyi, 25,5 per cent – for Petro Poroshenko.

Ukrainian Elections: Breaking the Populist Spell?

Soon, Armenians will celebrate the one year anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in their country, where the populism played a key role. This year another Eastern Partnership country, Ukraine, will face a difficult dilemma of populism in the choice of their new president.

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